I have my Heart in my Mouth

En udstilling af Johanne Helga Heiberg


Fernisering: Fredag d. 24 august kl. 17-20

Udstillingsperiode: 25/8–9/9 2018

Åbningstider: Lørdag og søndag kl. 12-15 (eller efter aftale)


I udstillingen I have my Heart in my Mouth iscenesættes den nære og intime fortælling gennem bearbejdelser af tekst fra Louise Bourgeois’ The Return of the Repressed.

Teksternes brudstykker samles på ny for at synliggøre en dialog mellem nutid og fortid, på tværs af fantasi og virkelighed. I publikationen I have my heart in my mouth, som deler navn med udstillingen, befinder vi os midt i arbejdet og i den usikkerhed der kan følge med, når man afsøger nye rum, hovedpersonen hjemsøges af edderkopper, som insisterende stiller spørgsmål og planter usikkerhed og skræk.

I værket Cell afsøges grænserne i stregen hen imod en skulpturel og fysisk oplevelse, og publikum inviteres til at stille skarpt på et væld af tråde nøje placeret i tilfældets virvar.

Heiberg har i sin praksis mangeårig erfaring i at anvende materiale fra kunstnere, som arbejder inden for litterære- og kunsthistoriske kontekster. Hun approprierer deres tekster og andet materiale, og bruger det i et simuleret bindeled til en svunden tid, med ønsket om at aktualisere arkivet i samtidens socio-politiske problemstillinger.

Johanne Helga Heiberg (f 1987) bor og arbejder i København. Heiberg er uddannet fra Det Fynske Kunstakademi i 2015. Hun har udgivet Dear Sylvia i 2010 og Dear Frida (graphic novel) på Forlaget URO 2015, modtaget Herman Madsens og Charlotte Henriksen’s hæderslegat i 2015 og Statens Kunstfonds arbejdslegat i 2018. Hun har udstillet på Huset for kunst og design i 2018, Galleri Christoffer Egelund og The Final Exhibition i 2017, og KE i 2011 med soloudstillinger på K19 og Hvidovre Hovedbibliotek i 2017 og SAK i 2016.

Udstillingen er venligst støttet af Københavns Kommune

For mere information: https://www.instagram.com/helgahei/?hl=da




I have my Heart in my Mouth

An exhibition by ​Johanne Helga Heiberg


Opening: Friday 24th August 5-8 pm.

Exhibition period: 25th August – 9th September 2018

Opening hours: Saturday and Sunday 12-3 pm. (and by appointment)


In the exhibition I have my Heart in my Mouth, intimate and personal narratives are staged by cutting up and editing text from Louise Bourgeois’s The Return of the Repressed.

The fragments of the texts are reassembled to facilitate a dialogue between present and past, across fantasy and reality. In the exhibited publication I have my Heart in my Mouth we find ourselves in the middle of a work-in-process and in the uncertainty which can accompany a search for the new, the protagonist is haunted by spiders who insistently asks questions and creates uncertainty and fear.

In the work Cell the boundaries of the line are tested towards a sculptural and physical experience, the audience is invited to sharpen their focus in a whirling of threads carefully and chaotically placed.

Heiberg has extensive experience working with material left behind by other artists working within the literary and art historical fields. She appropriates their texts and other material to simulate links to historical bygones, actualizing the archive to comment on contemporary socio-political issues.

Johanne Helga Heiberg (b 1987) lives and works in Copenhagen (DK). She graduated from the Funen Academy of Fine Arts (DK) in 2015 and have published the books Dear Sylvia in 2010 and Dear Frida (graphic novel) at URO. She received Herman Madsens og Charlotte Henriksen’s hæderslegat in 2015 and Danish Art Foundations work grand in 2018. She has exhibited at Huset for kunst og design in 2018, Gallery Christoffer Egelund, The Final Exhibition in 2017, and KE in 2011. Had solo-exhibitions at K19 and Hvidovre Hovedbibliotek in 2017, and SAK in 2016.

The exhibition is kindly supported by the Municipality of Copenhagen


Installation view, 2018


Cell, thread and stout fabric, 2018


Cell, thread and stout fabric, 2018


Cell, thread and stout fabric, 2018


Installation view, 2018


I have my Heart in my Mouth, graphic novel, forlaget Uro, 2018


Louise, tusch and paper, 2018


I have my Heart in my Mouth, graphic novel, forlaget Uro, 2018


Cell, thread and stout fabric, 2018